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How to Make Etsy Listing Photos

How to Make Etsy Listing Photos

For Etsy sellers, having high-quality listing photos is essential for attracting potential customers and making sales. A great listing photo can make a product stand out and catch the eye of a shopper browsing through hundreds of similar products. On the other hand, a poor quality photo can make a product look unappealing and unprofessional, leading shoppers to pass it by. Therefore, it is crucial to know how to create great listing photos.

There are several factors to consider when making Etsy listing photos. The first photo in a listing should be horizontal or square, and it should display the center focal point of the image in the cropped thumbnail views. Additionally, the photo size and ratio should be optimized for Etsy’s requirements and best practices. Moreover, the lighting, background, and editing techniques are also important factors to consider when creating great listing photos.

Equipment and Setup

When it comes to making great Etsy listing photos, having the right equipment and setup is crucial. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Camera and Lens

While a professional DSLR camera and lens can certainly produce high-quality images, they are not always necessary for Etsy sellers. In fact, many successful sellers use their smartphones to take their listing photos. Whatever camera you choose, make sure it has a high resolution and can capture clear and sharp images. Additionally, consider investing in a tripod or stabilizer to eliminate any blurriness caused by shaky hands.

2. Lighting

Good lighting is essential for creating bright and clear photos. Natural light is often the best option, so try to take your photos near a large window or outside on a sunny day. If natural light is not available, consider investing in a lighting kit or using a combination of lamps and lightboxes to create even lighting. Avoid using the camera’s flash as it can create harsh shadows and unflattering reflections.

3. Background and Props

The background and props you choose for your listing photos can greatly impact their overall aesthetic. Consider using a clean and neutral background, such as a white or light-colored sheet or poster board. Additionally, props can add interest and context to your photos, but be sure not to overcrowd the image. Stick to a few key props that highlight your product’s features and benefits.

4. Editing Software

After taking your photos, editing them can help enhance their quality and make them more visually appealing. There are many free and paid editing software options available, such as Adobe Photoshop, Canva, and PicMonkey. Basic editing techniques include adjusting brightness and contrast, cropping, and resizing. However, be careful not to over-edit your photos as this can make them look unrealistic and misleading.

Composition and Styling

When it comes to creating great Etsy listing photos, composition and styling are key. A well-styled photo can make a product look more appealing and professional, which can ultimately lead to more sales. Here are some tips for getting the composition and styling of your photos just right.

1. Product Placement

One important aspect of composition is product placement. It’s important to make sure your product is the main focus of the photo, and that it’s positioned in a way that makes it look its best. Try experimenting with different angles and positions to find the most flattering placement for your product.

2. Angles and Perspectives

Another important consideration is the angle and perspective of your photo. Different angles can give your product a completely different look and feel. For example, a straight-on shot might be best for a product that has a lot of detail, while a bird’s-eye view might be better for a product that is more spread out.

4. Color and Contrast

Color and contrast are also important elements of composition. You want to make sure that your product stands out against the background, and that the colors in the photo are true to life. Experiment with different backgrounds and lighting to find the combination that works best for your product.

5. Props and Accessories

Finally, props and accessories can be great for adding interest and context to your photos. However, it’s important not to go overboard and distract from the product itself. Choose props that complement your product and add to its overall appeal, rather than taking away from it.

Taking the Photos

When it comes to taking the perfect Etsy listing photos, there are a few key steps to follow. By properly preparing the product, setting up the shot, adjusting the lighting, and taking the shots, you can create images that will help your products stand out and attract potential buyers.

1. Preparing the Product

Before taking photos of the product, it’s important to make sure it’s clean and presentable. Remove any dust or debris and make sure all packaging is intact. If the product has any imperfections, consider whether they should be highlighted or minimized in the photos.

2. Setting Up the Shot

When setting up the shot, consider the background, props, and composition. A clean, neutral background can help the product stand out, while props can add context and help customers visualize how the product can be used. Consider the rule of thirds when framing the shot, and experiment with different angles and perspectives to find the most flattering shot.

3. Adjusting the Lighting

Lighting is key when it comes to taking great photos. Natural light is often the best option, but if that’s not available, consider using artificial light sources such as lamps or studio lights. Avoid harsh shadows and overexposure by diffusing the light or using reflectors.

4. Taking the Shots

When taking the shots, use a tripod or stabilizer to keep the camera steady and avoid blurry images. Take multiple shots from different angles and perspectives to give customers a full view of the product. Consider including lifestyle shots that show the product in use or in context, as these can help customers visualize how the product can fit into their lives.

Editing the Photos

Once the photos have been taken, it’s time to edit them to make them stand out among the competition. Etsy allows sellers to upload up to ten photos per listing, so it’s important to make each one count. Here are some tips for editing Etsy listing photos:

1. Cropping and Resizing

One of the most important aspects of editing Etsy listing photos is cropping and resizing them to fit the required dimensions. On, sellers can crop their photos by clicking on the crop icon and selecting one of the suggested crop sizes or dragging the corners of the grid to customize the crop area. It’s important to make sure that the main focus of the photo is centered and in focus.

2. Adjusting Brightness and Contrast

Another important aspect of editing Etsy listing photos is adjusting the brightness and contrast. This can help make the colors pop and make the photo look more professional. On most photo editing software, the brightness and contrast can be adjusted by sliding the corresponding sliders until the desired effect is achieved.

3. Color Correction

Color correction is another important aspect of editing Etsy listing photos. This can help ensure that the colors in the photo are accurate and true to life. Most photo editing software includes a color correction tool that allows sellers to adjust the hue, saturation, and luminance of the photo.

4. Adding Text or Watermarks

Finally, sellers can add text or watermarks to their Etsy listing photos to help protect their intellectual property and make their brand more recognizable. This can be done using most photo editing software by adding a text layer or watermark layer to the photo.


Creating great listing photos takes a bit of effort, but it’s worth it. Remember to keep your photos clear and well-lit, and include multiple angles and close-ups to showcase your product. Use a neutral background and keep the focus on your item.

When taking photos, consider the order in which you want to present them. Your first photo should be horizontal or square, and it should clearly show your item in the center. This will ensure that your listing appears properly in search results.

Don’t forget to edit your photos before uploading them to your listing. Crop and resize them as needed, and make sure they are high-quality and visually appealing.

By following these tips, you can create listing photos that will help your products stand out and attract more customers. Remember to keep experimenting and trying new things until you find the perfect formula for your shop. Happy selling!